Hello everyone and welcome to Weekly Wanderings, a regular update about what's happening with me and TGR as a whole. These are posted both on my website and mailing list.
Project Updates
The Opal Embers Audiobook: I am uploading the files today, and will email you all when it becomes available.
The Other Fellow: Eton Smythe's adventures in the late-60s Cold War will launch on Kickstarter June 1st and run for the duration of the month. The goal will be fairly modest compared to the original VCW indiegogo. It is mostly to make up the costs of the production, the book is in the can and will release to backers the moment the campaign ends.
Vatican Championship Wrestling Book 3: Yes you read that correctly. I haven't forgotten about the cliffhanger at the end of Seven Wonders and I am currently outlining the third and penultimate VCW novel.
Vagabond Legacy Book 4: This was what I intended to do next, but I've been encountering some trouble. Part of it is finding time to work on it the other is getting over those first draft jitters that you forget about months into the editing process.
Custom Orders: At the request of some readers I am now offering signed/unsigned copies of all my books for sale directly. This is for people who don't want to go through Amazon or want a signed/personalized copy. If you are interested you can either email me at willhastingsnovels@gmail.com or DM me on Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook.
Patreon?: I am also exploring the possiblity of starting a Patreon. Some of the other indie authors I know have had success with that and it would go a long way in supplementing the cost of keeping TGR operational. Plus patrons would be able to see chapters as they are written warts and all. Let me know if you have any thoughts.
Thanks for reading and as always you can find my books on Amazon and Audible. I appreciate your support!
All the best,
William Hastings