Hello everyone and welcome to Weekly Wanderings, a regular update about what's happening with me and TGR as a whole. These are posted both on my website and mailing list.
Project Updates
The Cerulean Flare: I have finally gotten the last edits back for The Cerulean Flare and am doing the final read through of the draft before sending it off to be proofed and formatted. We're looking at an early March release but if you'd like to read it before then and write a review, please email me at willhastingsnovels@gmail.com or message me on any of my social media. Very grateful to anyone willing to do this.
Unsure? Check out the exclusive preview of The Cerulean Flare.
The Other Fellow: Taking some time off from this to make sure Flare is ready to go but will return to it as soon as I can.
All the best,
William Hastings